Day 6 -Tambov / Russia

Bratislava to Beijing
Tambov / Russia

Around Tambov we see endless fields framed with forest. This landscape doesn’t look like a typical Russian winter one. We were looking for the background that would touch the soul and make you fall in love with Russia. But all we come across on our way are just small villages, snow-white fields and black skeletons of trees. Although the border with Kazakhstan is waiting for us, we stop for shooting near Tambov.


While we are shooting, a group of some local tractor drivers notice us. Being tired of their monotonous work they decide to have a chat. A list of questions of every acquaintance is basically the same. At first, they ask what kind of the car we have, then, where we are going and why. Our new friends let us have a drive-test of their tractors and make a few shots of them.


It’s already dusk when we start moving towards Kazakhstan. The closer we get to the border, the harder our way becomes. The road is covered with a crust of ice and sprinkled with snow. An incorrect operation of the gas pedal or brakes can easily get the car out of control, so we go carefully and slowly. 


At some point, the headlights of our Touareg snatch two male silhouettes in the dark and the hood of the car sticking out of the ravine. We stop immediately. The first thing that comes to mind, people failed to manage the car and took off the road. They may need urgent medical attention. In fact, it turns out to be fishermen who moved to the lake directly across the field and didn’t calculate their strength. Leaving the highway, they got lost in the high snow and could not get out. We stop another car and together manage to pull out the stuck pickup truck on the road. Wishing each other a happy journey, we continue our way.
