Today, we leave Alma-Aty and are heading towards the Kazakh-Russian border. On the way we are going to visit Charyn canyon, one of the most beautiful places in Kazakhstan. In the morning in Alma-Aty it’s pouring with rain, so we are afraid that our plans for the day may not be undertaken. Trying to find some reliable weather forecast information, we contact the representative office of Volkswagen in Kazakhstan, which reassures that the weather in Canyon is going to be fine.
The canyon looks really impressive. Here you can easily lose count of time and spend hours watching the details of gigantic steep walls playing shades of red in the sun. Unfortunately we are able to see the canyon only from above, as getting down to the bottom at this time is impossible thanks to blurred roads and huge ditches.
After shooting in the canyon we go nonstop towards the border. The quality roads end here. Now we have to deal with countless holes, potholes and ditches and sometimes off-road. However, we don’t care much. Volkswagen Touareg suspension is very comfortable and has a long stroke. So we do not actually notice the flaws of the Kazakh roads. The only thing that makes the heart shudder is the huge holes with sharp edges that seem to be a real threat to the tires. Other members of the movement are surprised at how easily Touareg overcomes the shortcomings of local roads.
All the way across Kazakhstan we are accompanied by two local residents, working in Volkswagen. Vladimir and Timur help us a lot during our journey. They not only provide all possible technical support, but also share interesting information about their country, its customs and interesting historical places.